Perception and Preferences of Undergraduate Medical Students Regarding the Use of Contemporary Teaching Aids at Dow International Medical College, Karachi
In this study, perception and preferences of the medical students’ studying at Dow International Medical College have been described about the use of different teaching aids.
Methods: Cross sectional survey was conducted on a stratified random sample of 200 undergraduate medical students
during the month of October 2010at Dow International Medical College, Karachi, Pakistan.
Results: 80% of the students responded to the questions asked. Over all 40% of the students chose PowerPoint presentations as a reliable mode of teaching and favoured it as interesting and interactive teaching aid over Problem Based Learning (28.8%), Audio visual Aid (18.6%) and White Board (12%). They believe that PowerPoint provides a better learning experience as compared to other teaching tools. Projectors as a teaching tool was rejected by the students.
Conclusion: This article serves as a source of valuable information for the faculty members. Students have chosen PowerPoint presentations as the best teaching aid and have preferred the integration of different teaching tools for better understanding. Teachers will be able to use this information to develops better understanding about the subject matter among students by considering their learning style preferences. It will also facilitate them in developing interest and active participation of students in the classroom.
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