Epidemiologic Profile and Outcome of Hospitalized Burn Patients: 5 Year Experience at Burns Centre, Civil Hospital, Karachi
Mortality in burn patients, cause of burn, type of burnAbstract
To evaluate the epidemiological pattern and outcome of the admitted burns patients at Burns Center, Civil Hospital, Karachi.
A retrospective chart review was conducted on all the 3972 records available at Burns Center, Civil hospital, Karachi. The variables like age, sex, types of burn, mode of burn and outcome of the patients were recorded and evaluated.
Out of 3972 records of the patients, majority of the patients (n=3139; 79.0%) had fire burns followed by electric burn (n=304; 7.7%), scalds (n=207; 5.2%) and chemical burns (n=119; 3.0%). Majority (n=2958; 74.5%) of the patients were between 16-40 years of age. Majority of the cases reported as accidental, however suicidal and homidicidal cases increased during the last five years. 64.2% were discharged home after successful recovery. The overall mortality rate was 31.2% in last 5 years. However mortality rate was reduced from 35.3% in 2009 to 28.1% in 2010 due to better treatment procedures and better recovery conditions in the hospital.
Majority of the hospitalized burn victims were adult males. Most of the burns were accidently sustained whereas intentional burns constituted only a small percentage. Fire burns was the predominant mode of injury. The mortality was 31.2%.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ehmer Al-Ibran, Masood Hussain Rao, Syed Arsalan Ali, Anum Saleem

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