Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Towards COVID-19 Among General Population of Karachi South: A Cross-Sectional Survey
COVID-19, knowledge, awareness, precautions, protectionAbstract
Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of precautionary measures against COVID-19 by the general population of Karachi South, Pakistan.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was conducted among the general population living in the district South of Karachi, Pakistan from April to May 2020. A structured questionnaire was formed using google forms, containing 31 questions regarding knowledge regarding transmission, signs and symptoms of the coronavirus, attitude, and precautionary measures for novel coronavirus outbreak were noted.
Results: Of 400 participants, most of the participants 259 (64.8%) were from 20-30 years of age group with females predominantly higher, i.e. 217 (54.3%). The majority of the participants 315 (78.5%) believed that COVID-19 is a viral infection. The majority of the participants 328 (82.0%) believed that COVID-19 starts with flu-like symptoms whereas few of them 65 (16.3%) thought stomach upset was also part of it. Similarly, majority of the participants, 320 (80.0%) presumed that elderly population was most effected by COVID-19 pandemic. The majority 286 (71.5%) of the participants were consuming home-based food rich in vitamin c and zinc. only 233 (58.3%) participants preferred to wear a surgical mask. Regarding use of supplements to boost immunity, 213 (53.3%) of the participants were not taking supplements, comparatively 186 (46.5%) consumed it.
Conclusion: Currently COVID-19 outbreak is on rise worldwide, but the general population is cognizant of knowledge, attitude, and practices of precautionary measures against it. Our findings can be useful for public health authorities, clinicians, and media to intercept the transmission of COVID-19.
doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2001316
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Copyright (c) 2020 Abhishek Lal, Mahnoor Khawaja M. Saleem, Anas Sanaullah, Mahnoor Sheikh, Sara Saaed, Naseer Ahmed

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