Serum Concentration of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D in Patients with Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: A case control study
Psoriasis, 25-hydroxy vitamin D, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, Body mass index, Case control studyAbstract
Objective: To determine 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels in patients of chronic plaque psoriasis and to assess any relationship between vitamin D deficiency and other disease parameters.
Methods: This case-control study included 140 subjects (70 with chronic plaque psoriasis and 70 controls), and conducted in out-patient department of Dermatology Unit of The Indus Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan from 12th September 2018 to 18th November 2019. Body mass index (BMI) calculated and 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25-HVD) levels were checked in all subjects. Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) was calculated in psoriasis patients.
Results: Serum concentration of 25-HVD in psoriasis patients is lower as compared to controls (17.1 ± 9.1 vs 18.3 ± 10.7) but it is not statistically significant (P=0.66). Similarly, age, gender and BMI were not statistically different between cases and controls. On comparative analysis, type I plaque psoriasis patients had more lower levels of 25-HVD (P=0.03), especially those who had disease for < 5 years (P=0.01). Stratified analysis revealed males of type I plaque psoriasis had significantly lower levels of 25-HVD as compared to males from type II group (P=0.003).
Conclusion: 25-HVD levels were almost similar in both cases and controls. There was no significant 25-HVD deficiency found in chronic plaque psoriasis patients, neither any relation with age, gender, BMI or PASI. However, 25-HVD levels were much lower in males, type I cases and with shorter duration of disease.
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