Impact of Artificial Intelligence integration on Surgical Outcome
Artificial intelligence, Robotic surgery, Surgical decision making, Machine learning, Deep learningAbstract
Background: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is improving surgical practice with the technical advancement in imagery, navigation and robotic systems.
Objectives: This review is aimed at assessing the role of artificial intelligence in surgical decision making during preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative periods to emphasize need of evidence-based protocols in this regard.
Methods: The search strategy involving key terms pertaining to the concepts was utilized. In order to reach maximum sensitivity, a combination of the terms such as “Artificial intelligence”, “robotic surgery”, “surgical decision making”, “machine learning”, “deep learning” and “AI” were considered. Only articles that specifically discussed the role of artificial intelligence in surgical decision making were included.
Results: Fifty five studies were retrieved with exclusion of forty six of them according to inclusion criteria. Thus, nine studies were included in the final review which were arranged in table to aid data review and analysis.
Conclusion: The advancement of AI has turned modern medicine into a more effective and efficient practice to manage both acute and chronic illnesses. Important advances were made in pre-operative preparation, intra-operative support and post-operative care by using these approaches.
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- 2021-08-16 (3)
- 2021-08-12 (1)
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