Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treating Adolescent Depression: A Systematic Review
Adolescent, Behavior Therapy, Congnitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Systematic ReviewAbstract
Depression is a leading mental health issue among adolescents, contributing significantly to the global disease burden. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is recognized as an effective intervention for adolescent depression. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CBT in reducing depressive symptoms among adolescents through different delivery formats, including face-to-face, group, and digital platforms. A comprehensive literature search was conducted across five databases-Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, and Cambridge Core-to identify relevant studies published from 2018 to 2022. The inclusion criteria focused on randomized controlled trials involving adolescents diagnosed with depression who received CBT. Initial searches yielded 168,216 articles, which, after deduplication and screening, resulted in 11 articles for final analysis. The findings indicate that CBT effectively reduces depressive symptoms in adolescents, with significant improvements in mood, behavioral activation, and overall functioning. Both face-to-face and internet-based CBT (iCBT) were found to be effective, with iCBT offering advantages such as reduced costs and easier accessibility. Group CBT fostered a supportive environment, promoting peer learning, while individual CBT provided personalized care. CBT was also associated with increased self-efficacy, improved coping strategies, and reduced relapse rates. These results support CBT as a flexible and effective approach to managing adolescent depression. Expanding CBT, particularly via digital means, could help address mental health care gaps, though considerations around adherence and resource availability remain crucial.
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