Relationship of Computer Misuse-Related Body Pain with Awareness of Workstation Ergonomics during Digital Learning Era
Awareness, Distance Learning, Ergonomics, Faculty, PainAbstract
Objective: To investigate the relationship between academicians' computer misuse-related body pain and their awareness of workstation ergonomics during digital learning era.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University of Bahrain from March to June 2022. Faculty members experienced musculoskeletal (MS) pain and utilized the e-learning approach for at least one academic year were included in the study. The outcome of the study was computer misuse-related body pain and aware-ness of workstation ergonomics. Body pain was assessed by using Body Map Tool and ergonomic knowledge questionnaire were used to assess awareness of workstation ergonomics.
Results: Of total 173 academicians, the mean age was 41.4 ±9.9 years. Among them, 108 (62.4%) experienced mild MS pain, while 65 (37.6%) reported moderate to severe MS pain. Academicians' mean scores of knowledge about the definition of ergonomics, MS disorders, and their risk factors were i.e., 3.42 ±1.03. It was found that females were nine times more likely at risk of moderate/severe pain as compared to males (cOR 9.00, 95% CI 2.05 to 39.49, p-value 0.004). There was 0.62 times less risk of moderate/severe pain for individuals had good/ very good level of knowledge about computer workstation ergonomics as compared to individuals had poor/fair levels of knowledge about computer workstation ergonomics (cOR 0.38, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.77, p-value 0.007).
Conclusion: The study revealed that individuals with a better understanding of computer workstation ergonomics demonstrated a reduced likelihood of experiencing moderate/severe MS pain. Gender differences also emerged, with females more susceptible to such pain.
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