Relationship of Occupational Stress with Psychosomatic Symptoms and Mental Wellbeing in Medical Professionals: An Exploratory Study
Medical Professionals, Mental Wellbeing, Occupational Stress, PrivateAbstract
Objective To determine the relationship of occupational stress with psychosomatic complaints and mental wellbeing among medical professionals at private hospitals in Rawalpindi.
Methods: Hospital based exploratory study was conducted at Maryam Memorial hospital, Bilal Hospital and Al-Shafi Hospital from January 2022 to June 2022. The study included 150 registered medical practitioners of both genders with a valid Pakistan Medical Commission license and 2-3 years of clinical experience. Subjects were accessed via convenient nonprobability method. A semi structured Work stress questionnaire, as well as a somatic symptom and mental wellbeing scale, were used to collect data.
Results: Out of 150 medical professionals there were 75 (50.0%) females and 75 (50.0%) males in which 118 (78.7 %) were married. Majority of medical professionals were house officers 59 (39.3 %), 54 (36.0 %) were consultant specialist and were 37 (24.7%) emergency/ward assistants. A significantly positive correlation was found between occupational stress and psychosomatic symptoms score (p-value <0.001). Whereas a significantly negative correlation was observed between occupational stress and mental wellbeing score (p-value <0.001). Psychosomatic symptoms score was found to be a significant predictor of having occupational stress this association was confirmed even after adjusting for other variables (β=1.10, 95% CI = 0.91 to 1.28).
Conclusion: The study concluded that occupational stress is the cause of psychosomatic complaints which deteriorates the mental wellbeing of medical professionals resulting in poor patient care.
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