Association of LH/FSH Ratio with Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and Prolactin Levels in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Pakistan
PCOS, LH/FSH ratio, TSH, ProlactinAbstract
Objective: The aim of our study is to find the association of Luteinizing Hormone/Follicle Stimulating Hormone ratio (LH/FSH ratio) with Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and prolactin levels in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in the gynecology and endocrine outpatient departments of Darul Sehat hospital from March to December 2019. The demographic data were noted, and lab investigations were done on 2nd and 3rd day of menstrual cycle. All cases were divided into 2 groups, one with LH/FSH ratio ≤2 and other >2. All females of reproductive age 15-44 years who were diagnosed with PCOS according to Rotterdam criteria were included.
Results: Of 130 women, the mean age was 26.16 ± 5.81 years. There were 103 (79.2%) women found with LH/FSH ≤ 2 and 27 (20.8%) with LH/FSH > 2. Mean difference of TSH was found significantly higher in PCOS women with LH/FSH > 2 as compared to LH/FSH ≤ 2 i.e., 3.74 ± 6.49 vs. 2.32 ± 1.54 respectively (p-value 0.049). While an insignificant mean difference of PCOS with LH/FSH was found with prolactin (p-value 0.536) and insulin (p-value 0.902). A significantly weak positive correlation of prolactin was found with LH/FSH ratio (r: 0.191, p-value 0.029).
Conclusion: A significant correlation was found between LH/FSH ratio and TSH levels in women with PCOS which justifies the need for further evaluation. Therefore, thyroid function should be assessed in women with PCOS with raised LH/FSH ratio which would help in management.
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