Prosthetic Rehabilitation Part II: Technical Procedures


  • Fazal Ghani


This book available since 2011 from Quintessence Publishing Company UK and entitled “Prosthetic Rehabilitation Part-II: Technical Procedures” is the English language translated version of the original Italian edition entitled “Riabilitazione Protesica”. The original title was published in 2004 by UTET – Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese S.P.A, Italy. The translation has been done by Jennifer Sardo Inferri and funded by Segretario Europeo Per Le Publicazioni Scientifiche (SEPS) Bologna, Italy. The book is authored by more than 30 senior teachers and specialist practitioners who are either graduates or affiliated to the University of
Turin in Italy. The need for and the quality of the writing as well as the credentials of all the authors and its editor Giulio Preti, currently Professor Emeritus at the University of Turin, Italy, can be judged by reading the “Foreword” on page IX of the book that has been written by the “Father of Modern Era Prosthodontics- George A. Zarb” Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto
Canada. According to editor of the book, Professor Emeritus Giulio Preti, the writing has been based on the life-long clinical experiences and practices in the department at the dental school in Turin.


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How to Cite

Ghani, F. (2013). Prosthetic Rehabilitation Part II: Technical Procedures. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS), 7(3), 126–128. Retrieved from



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