Modern Adhesive Ceramic Onlay, A Predictable Replacement of Full Veneer Crowns: A report of three Cases
Ceramics, onlay, full veneer crown, adhesive bondingAbstract
For many years the decision to crown a tooth was relatively easy. Traditionally crowns were indicated for the restoration of teeth that had lost a significant amount of tooth structure due to caries, tooth wear or fracture. The conventional crown strengthened the remaining tooth structure, restored the occlusal and axial contours and as a result restored the tooth to function. However, in more recent years the dental profession is gradually accepting the destructive restorative procedures involved in the placement of conventional full coverage restorations having significant biological downsides. With the increasing emphasis of tooth conservation and the high demand of esthetically pleasing restorations, the focus is shifting towards adhesively bonded ceramic inlays and onlays for restoration of damaged posterior dentition. They combine the biologic benefits of tooth conservation and preservation of pulpal and periodontal tissues along with technical gain of prosthodontic ease. We present three clinical scenarios in which replacement of tooth structure with bonded ceramic oCeramicsnlays can be justified according to modern concepts.
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