Comparison of Aesthetic Perception of Smile Between Dentists and General Population
Smile perception, perception of general population, smile esthetics, maxillary lateral incisorsAbstract
Objective: To compare aesthetic perception of smile between gernal population and dentists by varying lengths of maxillary lateral incisors.
Introduction: Patient perception and expectation of their smile plays a very important role when providing an anterior tooth restoration. The aim of conducting the study was to compare the perception of esthetic smile between general population and dentists by varying length of maxillary lateral incisors.
Design: Cross sectional study.
Materials and Methods: A photograph of a female smile from frontal view was digitally altered to produce images with varying lengths of maxillary lateral incisor. These images were arranged in descending order; from most attractive to least attractive by the participants. The participants of the study included two groups; first group comprised of Dental Surgeons where as second group consisted of general population.
Results: Evaluation of the results showed a significant difference in aesthetic perception of smile between
the Dentist and general population.
Conclusion: Perception of aesthetics is not similar between the dentists and the general population
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