Association of Hypovitaminosis D and Hypocalcemia with Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Vitamin D, neuropsychiatric diseases, calcium, epidemiology, neurotransmittersAbstract
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is an essential vitamin for calcium and bone homeostasis. Several neuronal cells,muscles cells and different regions in CNS (Central Nervous System) express Vitamin D receptors. CNS isrecognized as target organ for vitamin D3. Several clinical and experimental data show the regulation ofphysiological brain function by vitamin D which includes neuroprotection, anti-leptic effects, immunomodulation,regulation of behavior and motor function. Vitamin D3 metabolite 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D3 modulatesthe activity of brain genes and enzymes involved in neurotransmitters metabolism. Similarly neuronal cellshave highly developed calcium signaling system which is responsible for number of neuronal functions suchas control of brain rhythms, information processing and the changes in synaptic plasticity that underpinlearning and memory. Calcium signaling is a key component pathway for the regulation of neuronal excitabilityand neural brain rythems for cognition. Dysregulation in Vitamin D and calcium signaling pathway may beresponsible for neuronal disorders in human such as Dementia, Alzheimer, Parkinson, multiple sclerosis,epilepsy, bipolar and schizophrenia. In this review our efforts are to incorporate clinical based epidemiologicalstudies with potential calcium and vitamin D mediated physiological mechanism in neuropsychiatric diseases.The key idea of this evaluation is to provided an update summary and function of calcium signaling andvitamin D in the growth of human brain cells. During this assessment we have pinpointed the research areaswhere future research should be focused for the betterment of human health and cure of neurological diseases.
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Copyright (c) 2021 rukhsana nawaz, Rafat Amin, Saima Gul, Rafiq Khanani

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