Frequency of Workplace Harassment and the Awareness about Reporting of Incidents in Health Professionals of Khyber Teaching Hospital
The objectives of the survey were to assess the frequency, types and source of the workplace harassment experienced by health professionals and to assess the awareness about reporting procedure of the incidence by the health professionals of Khyber Teaching hospital Peshawar.
Study Design:
A descriptive survey was conducted in the Khyber teaching hospital of Khyber Pahthunkawa from 1st January to 15th February 2016.
Materials & Methods:
A self-administered structured questionnaire was implemented having close-ended questions. Sample size was 256, simple random sampling technique was used those health professional present on the day of the survey were included in the survey population informed written consent was taken. Data was analyzed using M.S excel.
Workplace harassment among health professionals in KTH was 47(27.6%). 38(80.8%) harassed were doctors. All health professionals were verbally harassed off the total 4 male doctors were also physically harassed. The main source of harassment was the patient attendants. 95(56%) of the respondents were aware about reporting procedure of the incident in the institute.
Frequency of harassment among doctors was high, although awareness about reporting procedure was there but reporting was done on small scale.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rubeena Gul, Saad Salman Safir, Khurram Shehzad, Imran Khan, Imtiaz Rehman Khattak

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