Diagnostic Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Cholangio- Pancreatography in Choledocholithiasis
Bile duct calculi, choledodholithiasis, ERCP, MRI, MRCP, obstructive jaundice positive predictive value, negative predictive value.Abstract
To estimate the diagnostic accuracy of MRCP in the detection of bile duct calculi in patients with obstructive jaundice using ERCP as gold standard.
Study Design:
This is a cross-sectional study. The study was conducted at Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Imaging Civil Hospital Karachi, from 01-08-2013 to 31-12-2014.
Materials & Methods:
This study comprises 249 cases of clinically observed obstructive jaundice which were referred by hospital consultants or by general practitioner to the Radiology Department for Magnetic Resonance Cholangio-Pancreatography (MRCP). Inclusion criteria were Patients of either gender between 26- 70 years of age with obstructive jaundice, raised direct bilirubin levels of 3 mg/dl and above, raised alkaline phosphatase levels and abdominal ultrasound showed suspicion of stone in dilated or non-dilated common bile duct.
Mean age of the patients was 45.54 ±11.352 years. Gender distribution shows, 42 patients (17%) were male while remaining 207 patients (83%) were female. True positive cases for stones were 145 (58%) and false positive cases were 80 (32%). Positive predictive value was 91.77%, negative predictive value 87.91% with sensitivity 92.95%, specificity 86.02% and Diagnostic accuracy were found to be 90.36%.
It is conclude that Magnetic Resonance Cholangio-Pancreatography (MRCP) is a safe, precise, relatively fast, with no ionizing radiation and non-invasive imaging modality for the assessment of common bile duct stones in patients of obstructive jaundice. The result of this study recommends that MR Imaging showed high Sensitivity and positive predictive values in the detection of bile duct calculi.
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