Common Presentations of Mycosis Fungoides in Pakistani Population: A Clinicopathological Study
Mycosis fungoides, Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma, Sezary syndrome, ErythrodermaAbstract
Objective: To study the different clinical, pathological and immunophenotypic features in patients of Mycosis fungoides presenting to Civil Hospital Karachi.
Methods: A case series consisting of 10 patients was conducted at the Dermatology department of Civil Hospital Karachi, from January 2013 to December 2016.A Performa was used after written consent from the patients and the head of the department to record the history, physical examination and laboratory findings.
Results: Out of the 10 patients, 3 had stage IIB, 3 had stage III, 1 patient evolved from stage III to IV and 3 had stage IV disease, 2 patients were in erythrodermic stage, while 1 evolved from the erythrodermic stage to the tumor stage. 3 patients showed psoriasiform appearance, 3 showed tumor d emblee stage, while only 1 patient revealed poikilodermatous appearance. Male to female ratio was 5:1. Histopathological and immunophenotypic markers were consistent with those of mycosis fungoides.
Five patients were previously treated as eczema or psoriases.
Conclusion: Knowledge about the varied presentations of mycosis fungoides would lead to better understanding, and help us with the diagnostic challenges in our population.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Humaira Talat, Erum Ashraf, Sana Siddiqui, Zarnaz Wahid, Deepa Mohan Lal

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