Alternatives for the Prevention of Cancer Recurrences: Immunonutrition, Cat's Claw and Rhopalurus Junceus Venom
Neoplasms, epidemiology,, incidence,, mortality, recurrence, therapy, prevention, cat’s claw, immunonutrition, scorpion venom, Rhopalurus junceusAbstract
Over the years, cancer treatment has focused on its eradication once it has been detected, however, it's common to find that a large number of neoplasms redevelop in patients, which reduces their quality and life expectancy when going through surgical treatments, chemotherapy and radiotherapy schemes once again. Several studies have been developed on some alternatives for the treatment of cancer that can be used as preventive methods for relapses, such as immunonutrition that is based on the administration of amino acids that contain sulfides, fatty acids, omega 3, vitamin and some minerals; the Uncaria tomentosa which is a plant that grows like a vine under tropical trees and whose extracts can induce oxidative stress; and the poison of Rhopalurus junceus(blue scorpion) which has been shown to induce necrosis or apoptosis in different malignant cell lines. This review summarizes points in favor of the use of Immunonutrition, Uncaria tomentosa and Rhopalurus junceus venom to limit a cancer recurrence.
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