Ruptured Intra-Abdominal Seminoma in a Young Man: A Case Report


  • Sobia Majeed Department of Surgery, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Shameen Shoaib Department of Surgery, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Jammaluddin Department of Surgery, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Imran Ahmed Khan Department of Surgery, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Tahir Department of Surgery, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.


Cryptorchidism, Undescended testis, Seminoma, Testicular malignancy


Undescended testis is a major problem in life of any male born with it.  There are chances for undescended testis to spontaneously descend in scrotal pouch, typically in initial months of life but failure of descend could also occur. A delayed diagnosis would lead to development of complications. Presence of testis could be anywhere along its course of development and migration but its occurrence in the abdomen is very much significant. This can be complicated with infertility for life long or its malignant transformation into seminoma. Presence of a germ cell tumour is more common in individuals with undescended testis than men with normal descend of testis. Surgical correction by the age of one year of life should be completed. Sometimes it go unnoticed and it may present later in life with similar findings that can be found in other pathologies of abdomen or pelvis. We present to you case of a man in his early twenties, who remain unaware of his undescended testicle and presented with a right iliac fossa pain and mass, which upon exploration found out to be a ruptured seminoma.


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How to Cite

Majeed, S., Shoaib, S., Jammaluddin, M., Khan, I. A., & Tahir, M. (2021). Ruptured Intra-Abdominal Seminoma in a Young Man: A Case Report. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS), 15(1), 46–48. Retrieved from



Case Report