Clinical and Biochemical Profile of Nutritional Rickets in Infants: A Study from Peshawar
Nutritional rickets, breast feeding, malnourished, sun exposureAbstract
Objective: To determine the factors associated with nutritional rickets among infants in Peshawar and its surrounding.
Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar, Pakistan among mothers and their infants. Clinical and biochemical examination of all infants were performed.
Results: A total of 65 infants were included. There were 42 (65%) infants from urban while 23 (35%) cases from rural areas. Out of 65 cases, 47 (72%) were breast feeding and none of them (0%) benefited by sunlight. Among these 47 breastfed infants, 42 (89%) had lactating mother those were malnourished and only 5 (11%) nutritional rickets were found in breast feeding infants of nourished mother. Radiological abnormalities of rickets were found in 23 (55%) infants of malnourished mother and none in nourished mother.
Conclusion: Nutritional Rickets is prevale nt problem among infants and a great risk in those who along with their malnourished mothers are deprived exposure to sun shine.
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