Prospects of Drug Bioequivalence Studies in Pakistan


  • S Khaqan Hasan Director, Institute of Pharmaceutical and Environmental Research, Dow University of Health Sciences, Ojha Campus, Karachi, Pakistan.


A patented drug becomes generic after losing patent protection and it is estimated that drugs worth US$ 75 billion would become unpatented in 2012 thus creating a huge market for generic drugs. The generic drugs can then be manufactured by any pharmaceutical firm other than the original patentee company and developing countries like India and China are manufacturing now any generic drugs. It is, however, necessary to prove that produced brand of the generic drug has the same quality, safety and efficacy as the original (originator’s/ comparator’s) drug by carrying out Bioavailability.


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How to Cite

Hasan, S. K. . (2012). Prospects of Drug Bioequivalence Studies in Pakistan. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences (JDUHS), 6(2), 39–41. Retrieved from


